Matthew Eric Wrinkles

Matthew Eric Wrinkles

Matthew Eric Wrinkles

Matthew Eric Wrinkles

Matthew Eric Wrinkles

Matthew Eric Wrinkles

Matthew Eric Wrinkles

Matthew Eric Wrinkles

The Execution Room at
Indiana State Prison.
(Photo courtesy of the Indiana Department of

The witness room at
Indiana State Prison.
(Photo courtesy of the Indiana Department of
The victims

Debbie Wrinkles, 31, wife (right);
Tony Fulkerson, 28, brother of Debbie and Natalie Fulkerson, 26,
wife of Tony.

Mary Winnecke takes time after Mass to pray at Holy Redeemer
Catholic Church in Evansville
on Wednesday, August 19, 2009.
Winnecke's daughter, Natalie, was killed by Eric Wrinkles
in 1994.
Wrinkles is on Death Row but Winnecke does not believe in the death
Winnecke says that her faith has allowed her to forgive
(Molly Bartels / Courier & Press)